The Church of The Meta-Seed

Joining with the Meta-Seed


Membership | The Book Of The Meta-Seed | Favorite Links

Do you agree with what the Meta-Seed religion has to say?  Do you want to find other like-minded individuals to interact with?  Well just send me an e-mail with these things in it to become a member:
E-Mail Address:
Where you heard about it,
and the reason why you want to join.
Don't worry about any membership costs or anything like that, this is all free ;).  Oh yeah, and I'm not gonna sell your e-mail to spammers or anything like that.
Once there are enough members I will put up a member page so everyone can interact with each other.
And what responsibilities do you have by joining?  Absolutely none, besides actually trying to go by what the Meta-Seed religion has to say :)

The Meta-Seed is within us all.